18 Market Street, Centereach, NY 11720 Phone: +1 (631) 580-7800
P.O. Box 1755, Loganville, GA 30052 Phone: +1 (678) 625-7655
Business Owners / Individuals
Income taxes: individuals, corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies & limited liability partnerships, and sole proprietorships. We are registered E-file providers.
Bookkeeping services / payroll & sales tax reports
Business start-ups, planning and consultation
Preparation of financial statements: compiled, reviewed, or audited
Peace of mind so that you can concentrate on your business
If you don’t pay income taxes! (Not-for-Profit Organizations)
We are experienced in accounting for Not-for-Profit organizations, including charities, unions, schools, and many others. We help you attain your IRS tax-exempt status and will prepare your annual federal and state reports. Should you require compiled, reviewed, or audited financial statements, we can handle that, too.
Peace of mind so that you can concentrate on your organization’s missions
Call +1 (631) 580-7800 or +1 (678) 625-7655 now to schedule your FREE initial consultation.
It’s your first step to "Keep Your Green".
©2006-2013 Marciante & LeFavi, CPAs P.C. - All Rights Reserved.
Marciante & LeFavi, CPAs P.C.
New York Office
18 Market Street
Centereach, NY 11720
Phone: +1 (631) 580-7800
Georgia Office
P.O. Box 1755
Loganville, GA 30052
Phone: +1 (678) 625-7655
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